Women’s Catalyst Network

There is a hidden competitive asset that every company has, but very few take advantage of.

Fifty percent of the potential workforce is comprised of women, but the optimization of this vital resource remains substantially under-leveraged. Companies and firms of all sizes, across all industries are failing to recruit, retain, engage, and advance women into senior leadership positions. The great news is that this problem can be solved. Studies now show that a company’s financial performance improves from diversity of experience, viewpoints, ideas, and approach. Innovation thrives on it.

The cost of recruiting an experienced employee is 150-200% of their total compensation – regardless of gender. Women leave jobs for various reasons and frequently because they don’t see a future career path for themselves. They don’t see senior leaders that look like them. Their voices aren’t heard or are minimally valued.

Companies with led by women in C-suite roles outperformed the S&P 500 (companies primarily led by men) by 25%.*

* Shambaugh, R. (2013). Make Room for Her: Why Companies Need an Integrated Model of Leadership to Achieve Extraordinary Results. New York, McGraw Hill.

It’s time to shatter your ceiling with the Women’s Catalyst Network

We partner with companies who believe in investing in their people, even in difficult financial times. These companies play the game for the long term. These companies accelerate faster, are resilient in downturns, and gain competitive advantage by focusing on developing their women leaders. Their competition does not. 

When leaders are formally told of their high potential status, they are 70% more likely to stay with the organization, compared to 30% when they are not told. 

The Women’s Catalyst Network partners with companies who invest in their human capital. When a company sponsors its women leaders to our program, it demonstrates their value and that they are worthy of the investment. Our approach brings driven and high-performing women leaders together to build skills, gain self-awareness, and hold each other accountable. Groups are comprised of 8 – 10 leaders with a curriculum tailored to the company’s culture and leadership development framework. WCN is the only male- and female-facilitated group coaching program, bringing both gender perspectives, experience, and honesty to the conversation. It is an impactful, targeted complement to existing women’s leadership programs due to its unique format and approach. Coaching embeds leadership learning.

Typical Outcomes for the Sponsoring Company

What can I expect from the Women’s Catalyst Network?

Our curriculum is tailored to your company culture, business objectives, and acts as a complement to existing leadership development programs. Below is a sample of the potential outline we may cover with the individuals who participate in this program.

Take control of your career. Participants develop a clear action plan to increase their focus on achieving desired outcomes.

Get out of your own way. Get rid of obstacles that prevent participants from taking risks and making progress. Increased self-awareness and self-management are the end results.

Use Strong Language. Eliminate weak language from vocabulary in exchange for strong words that propel participants to have a significant impact and increased influence on those around them.

Build confidence. Gain clarity on what eats away at confidence, and tools to instantly increase confidence.

Becoming ‘gender bilingual.’ Learn masculine and feminine language and behaviors to tailor participants’ approach to their audience that generates the most effective business outcomes.

Give and receive effective feedback. Stop avoiding constructive feedback because it is not known how to do so. Learn an easy and direct four-step process to improve capability.

Negotiate to ask for what you want. Change perspectives on negotiation that will allow participants to negotiate for themselves and others. Learn the framework that allows participants to prepare and executive a strong negotiation.

Who facilitates WCN?

Experienced leadership coaches Julie Holunga and Evan Roth facilitate each session and encourage new perspectives while ensuring a focus on short- and long-term goals for each participant.

What’s the Format of the Women’s Catalyst Network? 

The Women’s Catalyst Network meets in-person once per month for two hours (dates are set in advance with the sponsoring company). Between meetings, participants are partnered with a colleague to hold each other accountable, consult, problem solve, and affirm their progress. The program duration is nine months.

What’s Your Investment With the Women’s Catalyst Network? 

Participation in the Women’s Catalyst Network is $25,000 for a maximum of 10 employees. The program is hosted on site, and all associated costs are covered by sponsoring company. Evan Roth and Julie Holunga will work with your team to help identify the best participants for the program.

“I really appreciated Julie’s coaching during the Women’s Catalyst Network. She brought together an amazing group of women, great content to the sessions, and ran really impactful sessions that were a mix of learning, coaching, and bonding over shared experiences. Highly recommend the course, and Julie’s coaching!”

Kristin Z. Regional VP, Performance

“The offer [new job] was only a little bit more than I am currently making. But I remembered our conversations with the Network, so I leaned in, and asked for 10K more. They came back to me the next day and said yes.”

James P, Attorney at Law

“I am now comfortable bragging about my successes at work. And I’m encouraging others to do the same.”

Stephanie B, COO

“Since I began working with Julie, my professional confidence has increased exponentially. Through Catalyst Network meetings, Julie has provided me with tools that have given me the confidence to advocate for myself in my career, something that I was struggling with for years. I highly recommend that you work with Julie if you want to take your career to the next level!”

Sarah K, Regional Sales Manager