Unlocking Potential: 5 Ways To Instill Confidence In Your Team

This article was originally published on Forbes.com for Coaches Council.

We have all had those moments—even the highly talented leaders—where we struggle with imposter syndrome or lack confidence in our abilities. Despite impressive accomplishments and potential, many teams may feel like they don't belong or fear being exposed as underqualified or not ready for next-level opportunities. It's not uncommon for these feelings to stem from past experiences, limiting beliefs or internalized messages from others. As humans, we are great storytellers, often creating an inner narrative that is not true.

All leaders—regardless of title—have the power to help others tap into their full potential as a team to build the collective confidence they need to succeed. After working with thousands of business leaders in professional services firms across North America, I’ve identified several key steps you can take to further instill confidence and support in your teams.

1. Start With Empathy

Before you can help someone build confidence, it's essential to understand what's holding them back. This requires active listening and empathy so you can create a safe space for them to open up about their fears and limiting beliefs. To be clear, empathy is not just about understanding someone else's experience—it's about connecting with them so they feel seen and heard.

When you're working with leaders who are not feeling or demonstrating confidence, start by asking open-ended questions that help them reflect on their strengths and weaknesses:

1. Where do you feel most confident in work and life?

2. Where do you rarely experience thoughts of self-doubt?

3. What type of work and what kinds of clients give you the most energy?

4. What other feedback have you received about your superpowers, zones of genius or unique value and knowledge?

Encourage them to share their inner critic's thoughts and explore the root causes of their self-doubt. This can help you identify any limiting beliefs or past experiences that may be holding them back. Clearing any "head trash" blocking their confidence is an excellent step toward growth. This can amplify their self-awareness, allowing them to practice behaviors to increase their confidence.

This is an excellent exercise to lead while preparing for an upcoming big project, client or year-end planning. Sharing fears or doubts among team members is a great way to squash those doubts and allow everyone to perform at their best.

2. Challenge Biases And Assumptions—Even Your Own

We all have biases and assumptions that cloud our perspective. I often have to remind myself that my past experiences, as similar as they may seem to someone else's, are not necessarily the same situation. Sometimes, we let our assumptions or biases keep us from recognizing what needs to change.

A lack of confidence can stem from any number of sources or explanations. The more you can shed your own "blinders" and see your team’s situation, the better you can then speak to what’s at the root of their challenge. Help leaders identify limiting beliefs or biases that may hold them back and encourage them to challenge these beliefs with evidence-based thinking. Encourage them to challenge each other in a supportive manner.

3. Teach And Observe

One way to build confidence in your team is to model the behavior, wisdom and perspective you want to see them adopt. A Watch, Learn, Talk approach can be as simple as inviting them to observe a brainstorming session or client meeting or as complex as co-leading a project or working with a new client.

By teaching others and working with less demanding clients, leaders can gain significant experience and confidence, which they can apply to more challenging situations. Make sure to provide timely and positive feedback and focus on what's working so they can repeat those behaviors and characteristics. Encourage them to give each other learning opportunities.

4. Give Opportunities To Take Risks

As confidence increases, give your leaders and team more opportunities to take risks and try new ideas. Even if they fail, the experience of trying can naturally build confidence. Focus on growth and learning rather than the end result. Encourage your leaders to know you are there to support them as needed. There is a profound gift in developing resilience and grit to bounce back from failures and setbacks. Don’t step in as the team’s savior and doer, but rather be a resource and coach in the background.

5. Mind The Intent-Impact Gap And The Titanium Rule In Your Observations

Remember the intent-impact gap and the Titanium Rule as you work with your team and leaders to build their confidence. The intent-impact gap refers to the difference between what we intend to communicate and how others perceive our words and actions. When the impact of our words is out of alignment with our intent, even the best-intended comments or feedback can damage the relationship.

Bridge the intent-impact gap by having open, honest communication to learn precisely what your leader and team need and expect from you. Conversations before and after key meetings, client interactions and case benchmarks can help further align your intent and impact.

The Titanium Rule is a good approach for giving feedback and ideas to your rising leader. This is about speaking to others in the way they want and need to be spoken to, not the way you necessarily want or need. Aligning your intent-impact gap and leveraging the Titanium Rule with empathy can help build greater confidence to benefit your leaders, team and organization.

Final Thoughts

Where are you noticing confidence in your leaders and teams? In what situations and circumstances do you notice a lack of confidence? From the list above, choose one or two tactics you can implement today to inspire and motivate your teams to experience confidence more often. When leaders genuinely feel and exhibit confidence in themselves and each other, teams are more likely to be high-performing, happy and healthy. They can then more easily problem-solve, generate opportunities and foster a sense of ownership, all while increasing your bottom line.


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