The Ultimate Solution to Stay Focused

fish-chasing-lure...and avoid feeling overwhelmed, burnt out, and stressedBe honest. Have you found yourself in one of these situations?

  • You have so much on your plate, on your to-do list, you don’t know where to begin.
  • You are saying Yes to everyone and everything (when was the last time you said No, or Not Right Now, to someone?)
  • You feel you’re not making any headway.

The biggest issues that leaders face today are a sense of burnout, inundated with a growing project list, and stress. Leaders of the 21st century must do so much with limited resources, while keeping up with technology, managing a virtual and global workforce that spans multiple generations, and do it all in an incredibly volatile economy.What can you do?We are more than 7 months into the year. You only have 5 months left to meet your goals. MAKE A CHANGE TODAY with the LEADER’S DASHBOARD.Leaders of the 21st century can all benefit from a tool that keeps them focused on what really matters. And keeps them from being swayed by the shiny object syndrome. Yes, that sense that when something exciting, too good to pass up, more interesting comes along that you stray from your path and follow it. (Picture a fish following a shiny lure.)The Leader’s Dashboard is a simple one-page tool that summarizes the most important things on a leader’s plate. And keeps you focused and making progress toward your goals and vision.It includes a succinct summary of:

  • Organization’s vision
  • Organization’s purpose and mission
  • Values
  • Strategic Edge
  • Top 3 initiatives
  • Key performance indicators to track success
  • Relationships
  • Top strategies to build organizational capacity

The Dashboard allows the leader and her team to focus their time and efforts in a way that produces the best results for the team and the organization.

  • When you hit that wall of inundation, you can get back on track by referring to your Top 3 initiatives.
  • When faced with a decision that will impact your employees, clients, and environment, your clearly articulated values and strategic edge will remind you where you are going and what you are aiming to achieve.

The leader can also create a dashboard focusing on her own career. It aids an individual at any point in her career to focus on where she is going and what she needs to achieve along the way.Everyone in the organization can create their own dashboard. When this exercise is done properly, everyone is aligned, focused on what matters, and accountable. Each dashboard rolls up into the larger whole – all summarized on one piece of paper. Simple to complete. Simple to use. Simple to follow.The process is extraordinary because it is direct, practical and powerful. No expensive software is needed. No teams of consultants need to swoop in. Rather, with a little bit of facilitation and coaching (of course), each member of the organization gets clarity about what really counts.Case in point.Mary, a new business owner, used it to help her focus and build her business to the next level in year three. She realized her time was best spent working with a small number of individual clients, and an infinite number of clients in group settings. Her revenue grew by 200% in 18 months. When faced with the inevitable wall of stress, she looks at her dashboard conveniently placed above her computer. Mary defined her top three initiatives, and 60% of her time is spent there. On a weekly basis, she is able to tell whether she is on track to meeting quarterly goals. She is now using the focus of the Dashboard to determine the best use of her time to unearth new revenue avenues.For more information about the Leader’s Dashboard, and to take our free self-assessment about how aligned and accountable your organization is, contact Julie Holunga with Chinook Executive Solutions.


The 1 Absolute Necessity in Decision Making


Dream BIG...then Plan