I have been struck recently by how many people, myself included, get stuck.What is getting in your way? The Grand Tetons?Either with big things - I want to quit my job and move to another city. To little things - I need to build my business but I have to wait for the next quarter, more training, more experience, a full moon…These points – bottlenecks – are a necessary part of life. They stimulate us to make change NOW. They show us that a change is needed.Are you at a bottleneck? Are you starting a new role at work where you have to step out from behind your boss and lead? Has an opportunity presented itself that you know you shouldn't turn away (although it would be easier to)? Trying to figure out what to do with your career?Start with answering these questions:

  • What choices do you have?
  • What brings you the most satisfaction?
  • How do you ideally want to spend your day?
  • What is stopping you from doing what you want today?

Then take ACTION. Don’t just talk about it. (We're all guilty of that!)

  • Tell someone your goal – specifics: when, what, who.
  • Detail what it will look like when you’re successful. Imagine yourself a year from now – who are you surrounded by? What are you telling your friends and family about it? What makes you most proud? What does a 10% improvement look like?
  • Reach out to your network. The more people who know about your goal, the more likely you are to follow through on your plans.
  • Work towards it every day. Make it a top priority. It is no longer on the back burner.

Taking charge and making a change in one aspect of your life typically has a positive impact on other aspects. Get to work today!Lesson learned: It is our choice to stay at the bottleneck or take action.ResourcesGetting Unstuck: A Guide to Discovering your Next Career Path by Timothy Butler


A broken ankle forced him to rely on his reputation


I've Fallen and I Can't Get Up!