Change is HARD - How to Land On Your Feet in Times of Change

I am not the one waiting in line at Apple to buy the newest iPhone. I do not have a smart watch. I turned off the text message feature on my trusty Garmin.I am not an early adapter. I like to take time to think. I tend not to adapt readily to new things.And yet during these abnormal times, I have had to adapt. We all have. Adapt where and how work gets done. And learn new platforms (thank you Zoom).When the world shut down, the first thing I did was sign up for a course on Facilitating Virtual Trainings. I had been thinking about this course for a few months. I knew on that Monday in March,  I needed resources to help me alter the way I develop leaders.I can adapt readily when I need and want to. I know this about myself. I adapted to working at home quickly (although until recently was still tweaking a few things!) My husband did not. He initially thought (hoped) he would be back in his office in a few weeks. After a month, he got on board and designed a good set-up in our dining room. He is reluctant to change but gets on board eventually.We all adapt to change differently. Some of us are energized by evaluating our options and getting on board quickly. On a road trip, those who welcome change see a road sign pointing to the oldest ice cream shop, and want to stop. They are diverters. Others are energized by evaluating options, choosing a course, and sticking to it. They are non-diverters. It may take a bit of convincing to stop at the oldest ice cream shop. No matter our approach to change, we can all eventually adapt.The Emergenetics Profile Assessment, which simplifies human connection, examines four thinking preferences, and three behaviors. One behavior measured is Flexibility - our willingness to accommodate the thoughts and actions of others. It is how we respond to change we did not generate ourselves.In these unusual times, you need to understand how you naturally respond to change. When you understand your tendencies, you can prepare, ask questions, and make the best use of your time. How do I know where I land?

Ask yourself how you would respond in this scenario: You have been given a project and have been working on it for three full days. You have made headway. On the 4th day, your boss comes in and tells you to shift your focus. The work you have done is no longer useful. How long does it take you to move forward? Are you distracted by the change? What questions are you asking?

If you tend to ask questions starting with why, you may have a preference in Analytical thinking. You are energized by researching, budgets, and approaching decisions by gathering a lot of data.If you tend to ask questions starting with how, you may have a preference in Structural thinking. You are energized by details, and creating processes, guidelines, and systems.If you tend to ask questions starting with who, you may have a preference in Social thinking. You are energized by collaboration (with one or many people), considering the impact on those you work with, and are intuitive about people.If you tend to ask questions starting with what else, you may have a preference in Conceptual thinking. You are energized by experimenting, the unusual, and considering what else can be done.Which ones sound like you? For 61% of the population, you will have a preference in more than one of the thinking attributes described above. In the described scenario, did you want to know more information, but then got on board fairly quickly? Or did you find yourself not wanting to put aside the 3 days of work to start anew? Or maybe somewhere in the middle?When you know your natural tendencies, you can anticipate your reactions and make progress faster. These uncertain times are not easy, and we are all adjusting in different ways each day. If you are a non-diverter, I suggest asking a lot of questions so you get on board with change faster, and get out of feeling stuck. If you are a diverter, make sure you are cognizant of why you are switching gears: are you changing because it is required, or because you are bored. Change for the sake of change is not always a good thing!Bottom line, I must adapt to our new norm. What worked two months ago to develop leaders no longer applies in May of 2020. I can’t wait. I only needed to tell myself I am doing this to best serve my clients.Contact me to discover how to make change work for you!


Adjusting to a New WFH Routine


I Didn’t Sign Up for This!