
How to Go from Office B**** to Respected Leader

  Have you heard about the ‘Witch with a B’ Factor? This is the all-important, yet rarely spoken about, tightrope that women walk every day. The tightrope of being powerful, but not too powerful; of being authoritative, but not too authoritative; of being...

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Leaders: Stop Using Weak Language And Do This Instead

This article was originally published on the Forbes blog. I hear it all the time: “Why do you have to be so aggressive? Why can't you just be like one of us?” No matter where you are in your career, you may have experienced this kind of reaction from someone. If you...

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Stop Avoiding Conflict And Try These Five Tactics Instead

This article was originally published on the Forbes blog. I will be professional and interact with Julia only when I need to. I won’t go out of my way to include her, keep her up to date or interact with her unless I have to. I am not going to bring up the elephant in...

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How Do you Want to Spend 2021?

It is almost the end of January. Before the month comes to an end, have you thought through what you want out of 2021? How will you know it has been a successful year? Instead of, or in addition to, making new year’s resolutions, I recommend developing themes and...

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WAIT 48 hours before you do anything…

Kathryn ended her Zoom call and just sat there in disbelief. Had that just happened? Had her colleague just blamed her? She knows she’s not in the wrong. How does she make things right? Kathryn doesn’t want to deal with this – she’s got a ton on her plate and she...

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10 Ways to Say Yes, or No, to More Meetings

Six months into COVID WFH, are you craving interaction with co-workers, or happy to be at home? Some people can’t wait to get back into the office, and others are enjoying working at home.  The silver lining of COVID, for some, is the lack of commute, the time saved...

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